My buddy Wes is putting on a killer music camp this summer so we got together with several local high school students and shot a lot of promotional images back in March. I have had to wait on publishing this because we wanted to get the posters and brochures out first...but those are now in schools and registration is open. For more information on the camp please visit
This first one is my favorite from the day. It is a composite of 4 different images. 
This was the setup for all the individual shots for the composite.

This was the setup for all the individual shots for the composite.
Here was the last shot of the day....all our models...our stylist and makeup artist Heather Partain...and the man behind the camp...Wes French.

Here is the poster that I designed for Wes to display at local schools. We wanted to convey the message that this wasn't your average "band camp". I do want to point out that the logo at the top left was designed by someone else...I like it...but I can't take credit for it!
Sa-weeeet Dave! I'm digging it big time.
wow! I went to band camp as a kid but it never looked like that... Great work!
Those are secksy (if I say it another way I could get arrested because they're in high school LOL)!!!
I went to band camp every year from 7th grade through college, and it was never so cool as this!
WOW! I am totally digging these shots! What an awesome idea - these are rockin' hot!
FLIPPEN rocks!
Rock'in photos man!
So i see the camp is at West Morgan you used cool old D-High. Nice choice.
Love, Love, Love it! It turned out awesome!
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