If you are still coming here for mind blowingly wonderful work from DHP....thank you! BUT....we have moved on! It's not you it's us. Let's still be friends. The new blog is at Don't forget to update your feed readers!! Don't make me tell you again.....I'll stop this car!
posted by Dave
Monday, November 09, 2009
New Blog Location!
Well you can keep coming back as often as you would like but there will be nothing new posted here! It will be like a visit to your weird Uncle Dave's house....nothing new....just the same ole' stories every single time. David Higginbotham Photography, The Blog has a new home! will be where you can find the latest photos and news. Update your feed reader....your friends...your family....and that guy down the hall that you don't like but you tolerate because he brings in doughnuts every Thursday.
So come visit....but take your shoes off as soon as you come in. understand right?
posted by Dave
Thursday, October 01, 2009
We are Guloggers
Guest + Blogger = you know.Mega blogger Gary Cosby Jr. has something called "readers" that he likes to keep happy. It's an odd concept but Coz likes to keep content flowing on his blog....A Little News Photo. He recently took a vacation and myself and Anna were honored to be guest speakers to his ever growing virtual audience. My friends and former co-workers Corey Wilson and Jonathan Palmer were also guests of The Coz.Why do I call Coz a mega blogger you ask? Well there is a man named David Hobby. He's the modern day yoda of off camera flash. He is The Strobist. Now what is the first blog listed in his blog roll? guessed it....the father of eight himself. Does alphabetization have anything to do with his #1 spot....maybe....or it could be that The Strobist's has his favorite blogs ranked by number of dependents.....OR it could just be in order from awesome to less awesome. We may never know.

So here are the links to the blogs Anna and I wrote. Here's mineHere's Anna'sWhile reading please keep this in mind...if writing and shooting ability is indeed measured by the amount of offspring....Anna and I have only a dog....a dog with a blinking problem at that.

posted by Dave
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Devin and Heather are getting married!
Next month I will have the privilege of photographing Devin and Heather's wedding! We had a chance to get together a few weeks ago in downtown Madison, Alabama to shoot some engagement photos.

Shout out to the train coming by for us at just the right time!

I will see you guys in a few weeks!
posted by Dave
Monday, September 14, 2009
Peter and Lauren
posted by Dave
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Wes and Dominique are getting married
posted by Dave
Thursday, August 20, 2009
3 years.....
Well it started with THIS.....
....which led to THIS....
....which brings us to today. It's our three year wedding anniversary. After a quick search I realized the proper gift for a three year anniversary is leather. Not exactly the sparkle Anna was hoping for. You keep that chin up though year's gift is "Fruit or Flowers". Eeeeeee! How will I ever decide which one? Wait.......oh yeah...jackpot. Everybody wins.

Thank you for 3 incredibly fun years! You are my best friend....but the kind of best friend you can spoon with without the weirdness on the golf course the next day. I love you!
posted by Dave
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Word to my wifey
Anna doesn't go with me on all of my sessions but she usually does wind up helping out when there are kids involved. Kids are easy to photograph. Sometimes they need to warm up to the idea though...that's pretty typical. That's where Anna comes in. I'm not sure what she does...or how she does it....but she can take a kid from "No Way, No Pictures" to "Where Would You Like Me to Stand and for How Long?" Now you didn't hear this from me....but I think she gives them a little hit of benadryl. I have no proof....but it's gotta be something like that.
I really do appreciate her though. Normally by the end of the shoot she is best friends with the little ones. She also can do some pretty impressive choreography with hula hoops which...coincidently...she just happened to have in the back of her car. Not as random as you might think.

Thanks baby!
posted by Dave
Sunday, July 26, 2009
The Hobbs Family
posted by Dave
Thursday, July 23, 2009