Anthony + Robin
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
This past Saturday Anthony and Robin were married in a gorgeous ceremony at Madelyn's in the Grove in Athens, Alabama. Gary Cosby Jr. was along for the ride again this time to help me out as a second shooter.
This shot could possibly be my favorite shot of the year so far!

The bride and groom chose to see each other before the ceremony. We set up their meeting in front of the house. This is the exact moment from both of their vantage points.

The gorgeous bride!

The vintage look of this image really goes well with the house at Madelyn's.

All the rooms upstairs had great window light!

This is the result of a little one-on-one time between me and the bridal bouquet.

Cosby and I set up a remote camera on the balcony of the house looking down over the ceremony. He fired that camera from the ground as Robin's father walked her down the aisle.

You should have heard all the ladies (most of which had husbands in this group) demanding that they smile during this picture! Every groom needs a "thug" group picture. See now Anthony can tell all sorts of stories to their children about his groomsmen and how they're from the street!

It was an extremely touching's a couple of Robin and Anthony immediately afterwards!

Another shot of the bride and her shoes!

The rings....

A great shot by Cosby before the ceremony.

...and another Cosby shot of the ring bearer keeping an eye on the crowd just before the ceremony.

During the reception the bride and groom sat down with all the guest to watch a picture slide show. It was right at dusk....

Congratulations guys! We had an absolute blast shooting your wedding!

posted by Dave
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Kyle + Jawana
Friday, September 07, 2007
Kyle and Jawana will be getting married in a couple of months! We met in Decatur to do their engagement session. Kyle's company "Look Mom Videos" did the video production for my wedding last year! You should check them out if you are looking for anyone to do video work!
Commercial over! :) Here are the photos!
My favorite of the day!
Commercial over! :) Here are the photos!
My favorite of the day!

For those of you who know Jawana....this is a perfect shot for them. Hopefully we weren't breaking any federal laws.

We made a random buddy during this shot....we had the same guy in the same pickup make a couple of loops to check out what we were doing out there. Maybe he thought we were breaking federal laws or something.

My instructions to them during this shot was, "to be happy you are eating a meat and three dinner at the Elks Lodge". We were shooting at an abandoned Elks Lodge by the way.

I think this one is my second favorite from the day!
posted by Dave
Friday, September 07, 2007
The MacKenzie Wedding Experience
This is a new product that I will begin offering with weddings in 2008. It's called The Wedding Experience. Not only will your wedding day images be produced with your favorite music but audio interviews with loved ones and ambient sound from your day will be included as well! It is a truly extraordinary way to remember your wedding day!
Here is a sample from Joe and Christy's wedding in July!
Here is a sample from Joe and Christy's wedding in July!
posted by Dave
Friday, September 07, 2007
Roll Tide!
Here's a short little clip to give you a taste of game day at The University of Alabama.
Check out the wife's enthusiasm.
Check out the wife's enthusiasm.
If the video isn't visible above you can view it by clicking here.
posted by Dave
Friday, September 07, 2007
Has it been a year?
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Well I'm about 2 weeks late on posting this but better late than never!
On August 19th Anna and I celebrated our one year anniversary. It has gone by so fast! I jokingly tell people that we've been married a year but "it seems like forever". But it has seriously been the best year of my life! Anna and I dated for 5 years before we got married but we still have as much fun as we did during that first year. I love her more than she will ever know and I can't wait to see what the second year will bring us!
Here are some photos from our anniversary cruise to Freeport, Bahamas and Key West, FL. By the way...we were supposed to go to Cozumel, Mexico...but Mr. Dean "Category 5" Hurricane changed those plans a little.
Here we are looking quite touristy in Key West. Note the DHP branded cooler on the wife's hip.
On August 19th Anna and I celebrated our one year anniversary. It has gone by so fast! I jokingly tell people that we've been married a year but "it seems like forever". But it has seriously been the best year of my life! Anna and I dated for 5 years before we got married but we still have as much fun as we did during that first year. I love her more than she will ever know and I can't wait to see what the second year will bring us!
Here are some photos from our anniversary cruise to Freeport, Bahamas and Key West, FL. By the way...we were supposed to go to Cozumel, Mexico...but Mr. Dean "Category 5" Hurricane changed those plans a little.
Here we are looking quite touristy in Key West. Note the DHP branded cooler on the wife's hip.

Here we are riding the front of the Carnival "Holiday" as it leaves Mobile Bay. I promised Anna that I would shove anyone overboard if I heard them say "I'm the king of the world". Luckily...I didn't have to do that. There were no Leonardo DiCaprio quotes heard.

Ahh...and of course the traditional eating of the wedding cake on the first anniversary. Judging from our appearance this is a white trash custom. I think the Diet/Caffeine Free Mountain Dew in the glasses really added a classy touch.

Happy Anniversary Baby! I love you!
posted by Dave
Thursday, September 06, 2007