Word to my wifey
Anna doesn't go with me on all of my sessions but she usually does wind up helping out when there are kids involved. Kids are easy to photograph. Sometimes they need to warm up to the idea though...that's pretty typical. That's where Anna comes in. I'm not sure what she does...or how she does it....but she can take a kid from "No Way, No Pictures" to "Where Would You Like Me to Stand and for How Long?" Now you didn't hear this from me....but I think she gives them a little hit of benadryl. I have no proof....but it's gotta be something like that.
I really do appreciate her though. Normally by the end of the shoot she is best friends with the little ones. She also can do some pretty impressive choreography with hula hoops which...coincidently...she just happened to have in the back of her car. Not as random as you might think.

Thanks baby!
posted by Dave
Sunday, July 26, 2009
The Hobbs Family
posted by Dave
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Micah - Personal Trainer
Micah is a personal trainer. She takes her training very personal. Personally I would recommend her to anyone for training. Yeah...I'm done. Micah needed some updated photos for her business cards and since I made her husband Justin look so hireable..yeah don't look that one up...not sure it's a word..she came to me for her head shots.

If you need a personal trainer let me know and I'll put you in contact with Micah!
posted by Dave
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The Hays Family
posted by Dave
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Sydney and Will
Rhabdomyosarcoma is a rare type of cancer. From what I could find in a brief search there are only about 350 new cases of this cancer every year. I know two people who are currently fighting it.
The first is little Sydney Newton.
I haven't spent much time with Sydney but I have spent enough time with her to know that she is just precious. When I took these photos I just remember how sweet she and her brother Dawson were to each other. They cracked me up! She comes from a great family as well. Little Sydney is currently undergoing chemotherapy to treat her cancer.
I know the Newton's would so appreciate your prayer. As you can imagine there are overwhelming expenses involved with her treatment and recovery. If you feel like you can help please click here to visit the website for Preston's Western Wear....just click on the yellow "DONATE" button. At the very least....please pray for their entire family.
Here are a few additional links related to Sydney:
The other person is a man named Will Haney.
His wife Emily and I have been friends for a long time. They are currently in Houston waging their fight against the same form of cancer. One thing about both of these families that has impressed me is the strength they have exhibited during all of this. It is truly inspiring. I know that Will and Emily would also appreciate your prayers. There is also a site set up for Will where you can make a donation. I know that any amount you could give would help. You can do that by going to www.gotwillpower.net and clicking on the yellow "DONATE" button at the very bottom of the home page. Here are a few extra links about Will:
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and for helping these two wonderful families!
posted by Dave
Friday, July 17, 2009
As I mentioned earlier Gare was also part of my "shoot the good light while the good light is fit for shooting" session. Actually....Gare was sitting in the chair I needed for MaMoo so I made a portrait of the bro-in-law so we would both have a record of his face before Father Time took a toll on both of us.

posted by Dave
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Little Miss Mattie
posted by Dave
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Sometimes as a photographer good light just gets me. I see it....and I have to put a face in front of it and shoot. I don't do this as often as I should....but I'm trying to do better. On 4th of July weekend one of our stops was at Anna's grandmother's house. Her name is Vivian but we all call her MaMoo. The name came from Anna's brother Gare when he was little and it just stuck. In keeping with my desire to make more portraits of family and friends....I sat MaMoo (and Gare as you'll see later) right in the path of this ridiculously soft light in her living room. Late afternoon sunlight + a double door + a white curtain* =

*Four layer cake not pictured
posted by Dave
Monday, July 13, 2009
The Harrison Family
I have known the Harrison family for most of my life. This is another case of a session that made me realize how ridiculously old I am getting. That blame lies directly at the feet of Justin and Grant. Anna offered to hit me repeatedly with her flip flop if that's what it took to get smiles from them.....but fortunately it wasn't necessary. I was also alert and on the lookout for deceased reptiles too in case the need arose.

posted by Dave
Monday, July 13, 2009
Pick your favorite!
posted by Dave
Tuesday, July 07, 2009