Wes French Summer Band Camp Promo!!
My buddy Wes is putting on a killer music camp this summer so we got together with several local high school students and shot a lot of promotional images back in March. I have had to wait on publishing this because we wanted to get the posters and brochures out first...but those are now in schools and registration is open. For more information on the camp please visit www.myspace.com/wesfrenchcamp.
This first one is my favorite from the day. It is a composite of 4 different images.
This was the setup for all the individual shots for the composite.
We did a few inside as well...

Here is the poster that I designed for Wes to display at local schools. We wanted to convey the message that this wasn't your average "band camp". I do want to point out that the logo at the top left was designed by someone else...I like it...but I can't take credit for it!
I want to thank all of our models for being so patient throughout this whole process. I will have a full gallery of your images up very soon so you can see the rest of them!
Please feel free to contact me if you all have any questions!
posted by Dave
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
The Tenderloin Clause
Back in late February I shot an editorial job for a trade magazine named "Convenience Store News for the Single Store Owner". I drove a few miles south to Dodge City and photographed the owner of the Dodge City Amoco. I came away with some great images...and the best pork tenderloin biscuit I think I have ever eaten. I haven't seen a hard copy of the magazine yet but they have a small preview on their website...

Here are a couple of the cover images that I submitted.
It looks like they used one similar to this one for their cover.
This was another one of my favorites....

So if you ever find yourself in Dodge City, AL near Cullman and need a bite to eat....this place has got you covered. I didn't have their lunch...but their breakfast was pretty awesome.
I think that in all of my future contracts I will include a pork tenderloin biscuit requirement....it's only fair.
posted by Dave
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Don't be a stalker
I have recently made several updates to my blog and have decided to start posting far more frequently. My other blog, Dave's Blog, has been my outlet for all sorts of random thoughts...but I have decided to combine the two! I want my clients to allow me to get to know them....so why shouldn't I let them get to know me as well? Hopefully this won't scare any of you away!
This leads me to my next point...
I know there are a ton of you who read this blog pretty frequently....but you clowns never post comments! (Don't take offense to the "clown" comment...I'm pretty sure my own mother is included in this group!) Let me know that you are out there....leave some comments on this post...especially if you are a regular reader!
I look forward to hearing from both of you.
posted by Dave
Wednesday, April 04, 2007