There's nothing like a good vacation
Anna and I had planned a little weekend getaway this past weekend to Atlanta. Shopping, Braves game, etc... We were both looking forward to it.
This is me at Copeland's Cheesecake Bistro at Atlantic Station. I love that place.

Just a few hours later I found myself here.... had nothing to do with Copeland's....but I had to include one of the only real "vacation" pictures we shot this past weekend.
Now I love a good vacation as much as the next guy. But I prefer mine with relaxation not induced via i.v. Well that wasn't going to happen. I went from happy little guy eating crawfish ravioli to a drugged up little guy posing with his wife right outside the operating room at Atlanta's Emory University Hospital Midtown. I was having my appendix removed. Yay for vacation.
I can't say enough good things about the nurses and staff at Emory. They were incredible! Dr. Frank Jones was great to work with as well! He is the doctor who conducted my surgery. Dr. Jones and everyone else at Emory definitely made the best of a bad situation for me! I really do appreciate that.
But the most thanks goes to my lovely wife. She slept very little and spent all of her time making sure I was as comfortable as possible. I couldn't have done it without her.

Thanks to everyone else who called and brought food and who have sent gifts. It means a lot!
So I'm at home now recovering.....I should be back to normal shooting soon!
posted by Dave
Friday, May 29, 2009
Mike and Erica are married
posted by Dave
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Sarah's Senior Portraits
posted by Dave
Monday, May 18, 2009
Annatations - May 17th, 2009
I'm going to start sprinkling posts from Anna's blog here on this blog. I mean...half the stuff she puts on that blog are things we have done together why write it twice right? Unless I come up with a snappier name.....I will call this "Annatations".On May 17th, 2009 Anna wrote:On Friday night, we gambled with the Mother Nature, and went out to the rodeo in Athens. I wish I could find a picture, but I didn't have the time, nor desire to go digging through my mom's bazillion picture albums to find the picture of when I was Miss Rodeo Queen. Maybe I will find it and post it later...anyways, I digress. So we ended up going and it sprinkled maybe a little bit, but nothing major. As we were walking in, our neighbor AJ McCloud on WDRM stopped us and we were talking. He was about to do a live broadcast and asked if we would comment about the rodeo. Now, I am a trained professional in public relations...I should be ready at all times to "make a statement/give a comment." We had about 30 seconds before we were on...and I went blank...I am talking BLANK!! So, when he put the microphone in my face, what came out was just by the grace of God. It wasn't my best, but definitely not my worst. David of course had to throw in something goofy as can listen to it here...
So after our 30 seconds of fame, we went on in to enjoy a wonderful night at the rodeo. Here are some shots from the night....
David is obviously a little more excited than I am...

It is my goal next year to carry the flag...ya'll watch out!

A little chuck wagon racing...

And of course our favorite...the bull riding!

posted by Dave
Monday, May 18, 2009
posted by Dave
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Adam and Holly
posted by Dave
Tuesday, May 12, 2009